Sunday, January 29, 2023


29-04-2023 上映, 310 分鐘, 德語(英文字幕)



導演: 弗朗索瓦.傑拉德

演員: 皮奧特.白查瓦、塔瑪拉.威爾遜、克裡斯丁.格克、葉夫根尼.尼基京、貢特爾.格羅斯伯克、雅尼克.尼澤-塞甘


Wagner’s Lohengrin

Opening on 29-04-2023, 310 minutes, German(English Subtitles)


Wagner’s soaring masterpiece makes its triumphant return to the Met stage after 17 years. In a sequel to his revelatory production of Parsifal, director François Girard unveils an atmospheric staging that once again weds his striking visual style and keen dramatic insight to Wagner’s breathtaking music, with Music Director Yannick Nézet-Séguin on the podium to conduct a supreme cast led by tenor Piotr Beczała in the title role of the mysterious swan knight. Soprano Tamara Wilson is the virtuous duchess Elsa, falsely accused of murder, going head-to-head with soprano Christine Goerke as the cunning sorceress Ortrud, who seeks to lay her low. Bass-baritone Evgeny Nikitin is Ortrud’s power-hungry husband, Telramund, and bass Günther Groissböck is King Heinrich.

Director: François Girard

Cast: Piotr Beczała, Tamara Wilson, Christine Goerke, Evgeny Nikitin, Günther Groissböck, Yannick Nézet-Séguin

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