Sunday, January 29, 2023


18-03-2023 上映, 125 分鐘, 德語(英文字幕)


愛情本應無分國界,但當二人文化、社會背景南轅北轍,相戀又談何容易?當自由策展人的中女 Monika 個性率直,得罪人多稱呼人少,事業地位岌岌可危。一次警察突擊搜查,讓她認識了來自剛果,年紀比她小的 Josef。謎樣的 Josef 自比王子,渾身散發異國風情,本身經營鑽石生意的他,尋求庇護的同時,也不忘遊說別人投資剛果開礦業務。Monika 與 Josef 一拍即合,深信真的愛情定可到未來,然而現實從來不像電影浪漫。Josef 在申請庇護時面對官僚留難,Monika 的策展人同行對Josef 更是充滿歧視。異國情緣,透視出德國社會對難民的種種偏見。一對戀人又能否衝破世俗藩籬,讓感情開花結果?

導演: Lisa Bierwirth




Opening on 18-03-2023, 125 minutes, German(English Subtitles)


Monika is in her late forties and works as a freelance curator in Frankfurt; her sharp tongue and witty comebacks often get her into trouble. When Monika unintentionally gets caught up in a raid near the train station, she makes the acquaintance of Josef, a Congolese businessman. He's about 38 years old, though nobody knows for sure, even himself. Josef is a diamond dealer and is looking for people to invest in a mine in Congo; meanwhile he keeps himself afloat with various import/export ventures. He can speak five languages and is applying for asylum, though he constantly struggles against the stigmatisation and bureaucratic obstacles he faces. Their coincidental encounter leads to a passionate love affair between two people whose lives could hardly be more different. And although they both believe they can fight the world together like "Bonnie and Clyde", a feeling of mutual mistrust gradually develops. Slowly but surely, their relationship turns into a battleground for post-colonial conflicts.

Director: Lisa Bierwirth


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